The nonprofit Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial Materials (CORRIM) has been developing comprehensive environmental performance information on wood building materials consistent with life-cycle standards ( The articles published in this Special Issue of the Forest Products Journal extend the research by the CORRIM group on the environmental performance of wood products to include the impacts from the uses of wood as a source for bioenergy. The earlier work, published in two special issues of Wood and Fiber Science (CORRIM 2005, 2010), developed the inputs and outputs for each stage
Comparing Life-Cycle Carbon and Energy Impacts for Biofuel, Wood Product, and Forest Management Alternatives*
The different uses of wood result in a hierarchy of carbon and energy impacts that can be characterized by their efficiency in displacing carbon emissions and/or in displacing fossil energy imports, both being current national objectives. When waste wood is used for biofuels (forest or mill residuals and thinnings) fossil fuels and their emissions are reduced without significant land use changes. Short rotation woody crops can increase yields and management efficiencies by using currently underused land. Wood products and biofuels are coproducts of sustainable forest management, along with the other values forests provide, such as clean air, water, and habitat. Producing multiple coproducts with different uses that result in different values complicates carbon mitigation accounting. It is important to understand how the life-cycle implications of managing our forests and using the wood coming from our forests impacts national energy and carbon emission objectives and other forest values. A series of articles published in this issue of the Forest Products Journal reports on the life-cycle implications of producing ethanol by gasification or fermentation and producing bio-oil by pyrolysis and feedstock collection from forest residuals, thinnings, and short rotation woody crops. These are evaluated and compared with other forest product uses. Background information is provided on existing life-cycle data and methods to evaluate prospective new processes and wood uses. Alternative management, processing, and collection methods are evaluated for their different efficiencies in contributing to national objectives.Abstract
A deterministic spreadsheet model developed in an earlier Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial Materials (CORRIM) project that calculates cost, fuel, and chemical outputs of forest management and harvesting activities was modified to include logic for systems used to recover forest residue. Two illustrative biomass recovery systems with variations were modeled. A system to recover residues after whole-tree harvesting operations was applied to a representative forest stand in the Inland West. Whole-tree chipping in an early thinning was applied to a representative forest stand in the Southeast United States. Emission factors and life-cycle outputs were developed for the systems through the SimaPro v7.3 model using one if its environmental impact methodologies called TRACI2. Most environmental outputs, including global warming potential, had a direct relationship to fuel consumption of the recovery systems. These outputs were subsequently used as inputs to life-cycle analysis in biofuel conversion facilities. Fuel consumption for recovery of residues from the log landing was 8.10, 12.0, and 16.0 liters per bone dry metric ton (BDmT) at haul distances of 48, 97, and 145 km, respectively. Corresponding fuel consumption for whole-tree chipping and hauling at these distances was 10.5, 16.0, and 21.5 liters/BDmT. Shuttling ground residue from the landing for reload and a subsequent long haul of 145 km increased fuel consumption 32 percent over the residue recovery base case. Shuttling loose residue for centralized processing with a long haul distance of 145 km increases fuel consumption by 86 percent over recovery directly from the landing.Abstract
Using life-cycle inventory production data, the net global warming potential (GWP) of a typical inland Northwest softwood lumber mill was evaluated for a variety of fuel types used as boiler inputs and for electricity generation. Results focused on reductions in carbon emissions in terms of GWP relative to natural gas as the fossil alternative. Woody feedstocks included mill residues, forest residuals, and wood pellets. In all fuel-substitution scenarios, increasing the use of biomass for heat generation decreased GWP. Using woody biofuels for electricity production is somewhat less effective in lowering carbon emissions than when used for heat energy. Heat generation at the mill under the current practice of using about half self-generated mill residues and half natural gas resulted in a 35 percent reduction in GWP over 100 percent natural gas. The greatest reduction in GWP (66%) was from increased use of forest residuals for heat energy, eliminating the use of fossil fuels as a direct heating fuel at the mill. We summarize the results by documenting that greater use of woody biomass for heat energy will reduce carbon emissions over fossil-based fuels.Abstract
Cradle-to-Gate Life-Cycle Inventory and Impact Assessment of Wood Fuel Pellet Manufacturing from Hardwood Flooring Residues in the Southeastern United States*
In this article, we present cradle-to-gate life-cycle inventory (LCI) data for wood fuel pellets manufactured in the Southeast United States. We surveyed commercial pellet manufacturers in 2010, collecting annual production data for 2009. Weighted-average inputs to, and emissions from, the pelletization process were determined. The pellet making unit process was combined with existing LCI data from hardwood flooring residues production, and a life-cycle impact assessment was conducted using the Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and Other Environmental Impacts (TRACI) model. The potential bioenergy and embodied nonrenewable energy in 907 kg (1 ton, the functional unit of this study) of wood fuel pellets was also calculated. The pelletization of wood requires significant amounts of electrical energy (145 kWh/Mg), but the net bioenergy balance is positive. Wood pellets require 5.8 GJ of fossil energy to produce 17.3 GJ of bioenergy (a net balance of 10.4 GJ/Mg). However, if environmental burdens are allocated to the pellet raw material (flooring residues) by value, then the embodied fossil energy is reduced to 2.3 GJ. The pelletization unit process data collected here could be used in an assessment of the environmental impacts of pellet fuel, or when pellets are a pretreatment step in wood-based biorefinery processes.Abstract
This study summarizes environmental impacts of “premium” wood pellet manufacturing and use through a cradle-to-grave life-cycle inventory. The system boundary began with growing and harvesting timber and ended with use of wood pellet fuel. Data were collected from Wisconsin wood pellet mills, which produce wood pellets from a variety of feedstocks. Three groups of manufacturers were identified, those who use wet coproduct, dry coproduct, and harvested timber. Pellet mill data were weight averaged on a per unit basis of 1.0 short ton of “premium” wood pellets, and burdens for all substances and energy consumed were allocated among the products on a 0 percent moisture basis. Wood pellets produced from dry coproduct required 60 percent less energy at the pellet mill. However, when considering all cradle-to-gate energy inputs, producing wood pellets from whole logs used the least energy. Pellets from wet coproduct and dry coproduct used 9 and 56 percent more energy across the life cycle, respectively. This study also compared environmental impacts of residential heating fuels with wood pellet fuel. Environmental impacts were measured on net atmospheric carbon emissions, nonrenewable energy use, and global warming potential (GWP). Assuming “better than break-even” forest carbon management, cordwood and wood pellet fuels emitted 67.3 and 26.6 percent less atmospheric carbon emissions per megajoule of residential heat across the life cycle than natural gas, the best fossil fuel alternative. Cordwood and wood pellets consumed fewer nonrenewable resources than natural gas, which consumed fewer resources than petroleum-based residual fuel oil. However, wood pellet fuels had a smaller GWP and effect on respiratory health because they have more efficient combustion.Abstract
Life-Cycle Assessment for the Production of Bioethanol from Willow Biomass Crops via Biochemical Conversion*
We conducted a life-cycle assessment (LCA) of ethanol production via bioconversion of willow biomass crop feedstock. Willow crop data were used to assess feedstock production impacts. The bioconversion process was modeled with an Aspen simulation that predicts an overall conversion yield of 310 liters of ethanol per tonne of feedstock (74 gal per US short ton). Vehicle combustion impacts were assessed using Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (GREET) models. We compared the impacts of bioconversion-produced ethanol with those of gasoline on an equivalent energy basis. We found that the life-cycle global warming potential of ethanol was slightly negative. Carbon emissions from ethanol production and use were balanced by carbon absorption in the growing willow feedstock and the displacement of fossil fuel–produced electricity with renewable electricity produced in the bioconversion process. The fossil fuel input required for producing 1 MJ of energy from ethanol was 141 percent less than that from gasoline. More water was needed to produce 1 MJ of ethanol fuel than 1 MJ of gasoline. The life-cycle water use for ethanol was 169 percent greater than for gasoline. The largest contributors to water use were the conversion process itself and the production of chemicals and materials used in the process, such as enzymes and sulfuric acid.Abstract
Life-Cycle Assessment of Bioethanol from Pine Residues via Indirect Biomass Gasification to Mixed Alcohols*
The goal of this study was to estimate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and fossil energy requirements from the production and use (cradle-to-grave) of bioethanol produced from the indirect gasification thermochemical conversion of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) residues. Additional impact categories (acidification and eutrophication) were also analyzed. Of the life-cycle stages, the thermochemical fuel production and biomass growth stages resulted in the greatest environmental impact for the bioethanol product life cycle. The GHG emissions from fuel transportation and process chemicals used in the thermochemical conversion process were minor (less than 1 percent of conversion emissions). The net GHG emissions over the bioethanol life cycle, cradle-to-grave, was 74 percent less than gasoline of an equal energy content, meeting the 60 percent minimum reduction requirement of the Renewable Fuels Standard to qualify as an advanced (second generation) biofuel. Also, bioethanol had a 72 percent lower acidification impact and a 59 percent lower eutrophication impact relative to gasoline. The fossil fuel usage for bioethanol was 96 percent less than gasoline, mainly because crude oil is used as the primary feedstock for gasoline production. The total GHG emissions for the bioethanol life cycle analyzed in this study were determined to be similar to the comparable scenario from the Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation model. A sensitivity analysis determined that mass allocation of forest establishment burdens to the residues was not significant for GHG emissions but had significant effects on the acidification and eutrophication impact categories.Abstract
As part of the Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial Materials' Phase I life-cycle assessments of biofuels, life-cycle inventory burdens from the production of bio-oil were developed and compared with measures for residual fuel oil. Bio-oil feedstock was produced using whole southern pine (Pinus taeda) trees, chipped, and converted into bio-oil by fast pyrolysis. Input parameters and mass and energy balances were derived with Aspen. Mass and energy balances were input to SimaPro to determine the environmental performance of bio-oil compared with residual fuel oil as a heating fuel. Equivalent functional units of 1 MJ were used for demonstrating environmental preference in impact categories, such as fossil fuel use and global warming potential. Results showed near carbon neutrality of the bio-oil. Substituting bio-oil for residual fuel oil, based on the relative carbon emissions of the two fuels, estimated a reduction in CO2 emissions by 0.075 kg CO2 per MJ of fuel combustion or a 70 percent reduction in emission over residual fuel oil. The bio-oil production life-cycle stage consumed 92 percent of the total cradle-to-grave energy requirements, while feedstock collection, preparation, and transportation consumed 4 percent each. This model provides a framework to better understand the major factors affecting greenhouse gas emissions related to bio-oil production and conversion to boiler fuel during fast pyrolysis.Abstract