The Chinese market represents good opportunities for those interested in exporting building materials, including wood products. One growing building material sector is preservative-treated wood. Fewer than 70 treatment facilities operated in China in 2002 compared with more than 600 currently operating. Sizable quantities of treated product are also imported. China's status as a net wood importer creates sizable opportunities for importers seeking to expand into this market. This article reviews the current status of the treating industry in China, identifies issues related to quality control and the implementation of standards, and outlines critical needs for the continued growth and success of the industry.
Contributor Notes
The authors are, respectively, Research Associate, Asian Inst. for Energy, Environment and Sustainability (AIEES), Seoul National Univ., Seoul, South Korea ( [corresponding author]); and Professor ( and Professor of Forest Products Marketing (, Dept. of Wood Sci. and Engineering, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. This paper was received for publication in October 2011. Article no. 11-00120.