Biocide retentions for copper-based wood preservatives used for residential ground-contact applications are established through field stake tests using small research stakes cut from selected sapwood and then treated in laboratory cylinders. The results from the relatively short-term field tests are then used to specify retentions for commercially treated timbers that have a range of densities and heartwood content. More than 120 4 by 4s that had been commercially treated with four copper-based systems readily available were purchased, with the posts carefully selected for good biocide penetration and a wide outer sapwood band, and analyzed for biocide retentions. Also, biocide gradients from five soluble copper and three particulate copper commercially treated 4 by 4s, all having the same labeled retention, were determined. All four systems gave a range of analyzed retentions, with some fraction of the timbers of each preservative system having a relatively low biocide level. In contrast to previous reports, the biocide gradient for wood treated with a soluble copper formulation was less steep than in wood treated with a particulate copper system.
Contributor Notes
The authors are Professors, Forest Products Lab./Forest Wildlife Research Center, Mississippi State Univ., Mississippi State (, Approved for publication as Journal Article no. FP554 of the Forest and Wildlife Research Center, Mississippi State Univ. This paper was received for publication in January 2010. Article no. 10729.